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How Driver Platform works for business customers

Register to become a marketplace member
Search the marketplace for the driver service you require
Follow the online booking form to book an available driver
Driver receives booking and performs the job
Job is marked complete once confirmed

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book a driver?

Firstly, you need to be a registered member of the platform. Go to the book a driver page and follow the simple steps on the form. You’ll need a bank card for the transaction when you get to the Stripe gateway. You can save your card details for ease when booking future transactions.

When do I get paid after a job is completed as a Driver?

You will be paid seven days from when the job is marked as complete assuming the customer has not raised a dispute against the job. If a dispute is raised, funds will not be transferred to you until the dispute is resolved.

Can I register to provide my services under more than one Driver Service at a time?

Yes, you can subject to your Driver’s Licence, other Driving Certifications, Technical or Medical Certifications you hold and experience. This can be done under your Profile when you sign up and can be amended at any point. To give yourself the best opportunity to secure jobs, do ensure you fill in as much detail as possible.

How do I raise a dispute?

You can find the “Raise a dispute” in the My Account section on the website and mobile app or you can always use the contact us form.

Where can I find my invoice as a Customer?

In your profile under Invoice. However, for each Job completed by a driver on the marketplace, an email of your invoice and a job completion notification will be emailed to you on the email address you provided on registration. You can always change the email address.




Become a driver

Registering to become a driver on the marketplace is simple and free.

Click on the mobile app (coming soon) that works on your phone or go via the website and follow the online form.

Download the app

You can access our App in both Android and iOS (coming soon).